Friday, January 26, 2007

the Depa(h)rted

So i know every one has said this already and my reaction is kidogo delayed..but the other day I watched 'The Depa(h)rted'

...wah!...yani all i can say BELIEVE THE HYPE!..its excellent - if Scoresaayzeee doesnt score the Oscar with this one then i don't know what will do it for him...I mean theres only so much unrecognised greatness that can be imparted from one person?!?!
If he doesnt win, I think he might jus get in his cah and pahk it in the mahsh !
The movie rekindled a love for Leo and besides the fact that im no longer a teenage girl, i think this is as close as ill get to feeling as i did for him after i watched Romeo and Juliet back in the day. And I loved Mark Wahlberg in it, he was classic, stole the show..his character was just excellent, one of my favourite quotes is when he says
'Im the guy who does his job, you must be the other guy!'
love it...
eXcellent movie no doubt!

and a quote i read in a menu and liked...

Happiness is a state of going
somewhere whole heartedly,
one directionally
without regret or reservation . . .

w.h. sheldon