Sunday, July 10, 2005


this website began as the movement...NOW...But as time went by I started derailing from the point...I started to also feel that unless I am going to stick fully to the point then the name and ergo the blog as a whole becomes fleeting and loses ground. I guess im giving myself some space for triviality and as a person who could probably seek out a professional career in 'dotting'...the point is something I apparently have trouble sticking to..

Enter this bible verse:

" I tell you the truth, if you have faith like a mustard seed, you can move mountains."
Matthew 17:20

So I changed the name.I think we all need some faith, a mustard life, truth, change, the stability of tea prices in China...watever...And channeling it to something positive we can affect the world into becoming a better place..I know this may sound like a beauty pageant speech but I really hope for world peace...
And so this is my mustard seed... its quite random,some its my viewpoints, some dotting, my two cents...many times just one...Its here for anyone to read if u feel like....And maybe something will catch your attention, and if you havent got faith already maybe it will instigate a little mustard seed searching in you...the revolution begins inside...