Wednesday, May 09, 2007

ramble be able to enfranchise ourselves we must be able to be recognised as a whole human being. we must be able to be true to our fundamental nature and be allowed to express that. expression may not necessarily be verbal - and in fact should not need to be spoken to be true - it should just be. when we are discriminated for one or more things that is either genetic or a chosen path then we are immediately at a physical or pychological disadvantage. in that,if we cannot get past those oppressing discriminating factors we will not be able to help oursleves. if we are lucky enough to get past physical aspects, then psychologically we may still be weighed down by the extra energy spent trying to get past discrimination. and were we not expending that extra energy, we would ideally be able to go even further; our possible ambition cannot reach its full potential because we are already starting below zero, at a minus mark, were the beaker filled up with its full measurement, it would still be below that unless compensated. although some of us can get past the psychological factors and are infact empowered by the triumph over the sociological, psychological or physical battle... [unfin]