Friday, December 09, 2005

no day but today

I watched RENT last night..I always thought I would like it- i loved it...
Made me have another epiphany...basically that all previous epiphanies werent really followed through..and that when I thought I was acting those out I wasnt really going out of my comfort zone but merely expanding it..But then when I think of breaking out completely- it scares me...What dyu do when you dont know what to do?? ? ? It seems like a stupid question I know..but I dont think I ever do anything not expecting an outcome that I could somehow deal with..I have security barriers and if this thing doesnt pass by the sensors, it doesnt get through...Maybe I need something to sneak past those barriers and cause a sort of Columbine and wake me up - Better yet, how about I let down the barriers, avoid the massacre..but go outside and find destiny- beyond the institution of me...??
I dont know how many times I have these 'epiphanies'..will it sink in? will it ever really be followed through..or will I always think Im missing the mark??

well....again....for the nth time I goes...

Another Day ("RENT")

The Heart May Freeze Or It Can Burn
The Pain Will Ease If I Can Learn
There Is No Future
There Is No Past
I Live This Moment
As My Last
There's Only Us
There's Only This
Forget Regret
Or Life Is Yours To Miss
No Other Road
No Other Way
No Day But Today